Herbs For Hair GrowthHerbs for hair growth can be effective but I should be clear, that they may not be as effective as the medication minoxidil. Many times you might get away with a topical applicaion, but sometimes oral supplementation combined with topical is best. What Is Regrow Plus?From the Native Remedies website, Regrow is "a blend of carefully chosen herbal ingredients known for their supportive capacity to promote healthy circulation, routine hormonal balance and support healthy thyroid functioning - thereby supporting healthy hair and nail growth. ReGrow Plus can help to maintain healthy, strong hair by supporting the bodys natural ability to stimulate and nourish the tiny hair follicles to produce abundant hair."Regrow Plus IngredientsThis formula is meant to be taken orally, 15 drops in juice or water 3 times daily. Since hair growth takes 3 months to see a difference any therapy should be taken at least that long before judging the results.The herbs for hair growth ingredients are as follows:
Regrow Plus ResultsI see plenty of patients with this problem and women in particular find thinning hair to be quite embarassing. Below are a few of the testimonials found on the Native Remedies website about this product:
Interested? Just click on the picture below to be taken to the Native Remedies site and order Regrow Plus. Native remedies also has an excellent product called ReGrow Oil This is the scalp massage oil that works in conjunction with Regrow Plus as natural hair remedies. Remember, herbs for hair growth can work, but just like anything else it takes some lifestyle changes such as healthy diet, vitamins and exercise. | | ||
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